Fashion can be a force for good. Every purchase you make is not just a unique addition to your wardrobe, it is a contribution to Bali’s story, a tangible help to the community we cherish.

association humanitaire tri déchets bali

10% return on profits

How ?

We fight for the preservation of the cultural identity of Bali and Indonesia, its knowledge, the well-being of its inhabitants and its environment.

Sales have a direct impact.

10% of the profits are donated to an association that cleans the island and actively reuses waste (Sungaiwatch) and to humanitarian actions that we take care of personally internally, and by joining forces with other associations.

The humanitarian actions carried out consist of distributing food to children and the most vulnerable populations, or the preservation of the nature and culture of the island (environment, infrastructure, etc.).

batik indonésien tissu ethnique art artisans

support and collaborations with Javanese and Balinese artisans

from indonesia art

But by buying from us, you also support local Indonesian artisans and therefore their families as well as their arts !
Our limited edition collections are made by Javanese artisans when quantities are more than 4 at the time of production, and unique models (or quantity 2) are made by local Balinese seamstresses.

We also work with companies to supply Balinese handcrafted art objects and therefore support artisans working with techniques other than textiles (jewelry, mobile phone cases, baskets, decorations, paintings, etc.).

Support all these wonderful people while having fun and wearing unique clothes full of stories :